Diabetes Support Groups in Ireland

It is usually easy to find medical support to help you take care of your diabetes. Your GP would be the best place to start to find a place where you can access all of your medical requirements to take care of you diabetes.

But what about peer support? Some of us, when we are diagnosed, want to meet another person with diabetes. And that's easier said than done! Google can only help so much. 

This list of Diabetes Support groups are organised by volunteers who also have diabetes. It was compiled with the help of Diabetes Ireland and Davina Lyon from Diabetes T1 Ireland.

The list is growing all the time and there may be support groups that are not on this list. If you would like your support group included please put the groups contact information in the comments below

Click here for the list of all the Diabetes Support groups and Facebook groups in Ireland


  1. No mention of Diabetes Insight! As of yesterday we have been named in the Top 50 most influential diabetes twitters accounts in the UK. The only Irish representative on the list. Support from the #doc cannot be ignored!!!
