Monday, 14 September 2015

New Diabetes Products I came across at FFL 2015

The exhibit hall was huge at the Friends for Life (FFL) 2015 conference. I wrote a little about the whole FFL experience a couple of weeks ago which you can read about here.

While wandering, meeting people and talking to the company representives, I came across a couple of products I had not seen before. In the interest of sharing with people in Ireland I thought I would document them.

One of the last items I came across but one I have actually used since I got it is;

A Pump Key.

A wha, you ask! Well, this is a multi-purpose tool, but it is specifically designed to open the battery compartment of your insulin pump, instead of using a 5c coin, so you can replace your pump's battery.

Now fancy that!

I say that it's multi-purpose because it helped free my daughter from being locked into a hotel bathroom.

She also said that it was the most adorable thing she has ever seen!

It's available from Cute Diabetes Nik Naks. The Pump Keys cost $20.00 Australian Dollars (€13) and shipping to Ireland costs are $2.75 - $10.00, that's Australian Dollars, depending how many products are ordered. 

BD AutoShield™ Duo Pen Needle

This is another smart idea. I have stabbed myself with my needles a couple of times and it's usually a bloody mess. Those things are sharp and create a lot of blood when used accidentally.

So a shielded needle for insulin pens, to me, sounds like a great idea. Here's a video on how it works.

The BD AutoSheild Duo is available in Ireland. However, it is not available through the GMS (General Medical Services Scheme (GMS - medical cards) but I understand patients have been able to seek LTI (Long Term Illness) cover under compassionate grounds.

It's worth noting that BD also make a device that clips the needle off your insulin pen needle for safe disposal. This device is called the BD Safe-Clip, as well as many other items we use for diabetes. I also noticed that my lancet devices that comes with my One Touch Verio IQ blood glucose meter is made by BD!

I also came across stickers for your Insulin Pens from Lilly and stickers from Pump Peelz for Insulin Pumps.