I know that as a person with diabetes I should try and include exercise as part of how I manage my diabetes. I’ve read all the articles relating to how it works miracles and I’ve received all the lectures over the years from Health Care Professionals (***********).
But, I really don’t like exercise! I never have. And the normal types of exercise, such as walking, cycling, jogging, etc. just don’t do it for me. The not so normal forms of exercise for example Salsa Dancing or Pilates is just too flipping expensive and not often enough.
I used the excuse of being on the basal/bolus or the Multiple Daily Injection (MDI) insulin regime as an excuse to not even bother. I felt that I couldn’t plan that far ahead with my long acting insulin.
And I was not going to add insult to injury by exercising and then having to stuff my face to treat hypos. I mean what’s the point! I wasn’t going to risk adding to the number of kilos that I needed to trim off.
Now I do have to add that at the time my children were very small and trying to exercise, even the boring walk, was just extremely difficult. And this I feel is a legitimate excuse but I suppose an excuse none the less.
So what’s changed?
Well, I’m not a spring chicken anymore. Things don’t work as well as they once did. It’s time to make time for exercise.
I moved to Insulin Pump Therapy and so eliminated the first excuse I had. Then with trial and error I eliminated the second excuse (although I’m still not shaving any kilos off the hips). And of course the darlings are both in school 5 mornings a week pretty reliably which helps.