Thursday 5 November 2015

Diabetes Interruptus

Let me count the ways that diabetes interrupt my life.

Wednesday evening I attended a business women's network event. I know I eventually have to leave my career of stay at home mother because, well, they grow up, don't they! So I'm trying to get my head around the fact that I NEED to go back to work in the next year or two!!!

Anyway, half way through this event we had a much valued break where we could, you know, network. We had moved around the room and I had left my bag at another table. Once I assessed that the finger food was worthy of insulin and filled my plate, a very nice lady started a conversation as I was filling my cup with tea. I had to excuse myself to return to my bag because I needed to test my blood sugars and work out a SWAG (Scientific, Wild Assed Guess Bolus).

When I'd finished she was surrounded by 4 others ladies, clearly, she was a person that I would have liked the opportunity to talk to. But the opportunity was lost because of my diabetes.

Thursday evening, I over estimated my carb count at dinner and about one hour after dinner I began to descend into a low when my phone rang. I didn't recognise the number but I still had a hard time deciding that I should not answer it and deal with my hypo instead.

Turns out it was the Mum of one of my children's new friends wanting to arrange a play date. I didn't get to call her back for a couple of days.

I try to make sure that diabetes doesn't interrupt our family life or my life by planning ahead as much as possible.

But sometimes, it just doesn't work.

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